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Weather Eye: Area rainfall amounts; new week to bring sunny skies

By Patrick Timm, Columbian freelance columnist
Published: November 18, 2023, 6:00am

I think before we talk turkey, let’s review rainfall for October from our friends and neighbors around the area. Bob Starr, Cougar, 12.03 inches; Jim Knoll, Five Corners, 3.58 inches; Robin Ruzek, Lake Shore, 3.28 inches; Chuck Houghten, Hockinson Heights, 4.87 inches; Tyler Mode, Battle Ground, 5.35 inches; Bob Mode, Minnehaha, 3.48 inches; Irv St. Germain, Prune Hill, 3.44 inches; Dick Lenahan, Meadow Glade, 4.14 inches; Ellen Smart, Ridgefield, 4 inches; Barry Fizthum, Amboy, 5.60 inches; and Judy Weber, near View, 4.84 inches. Our friend Roland Derksen in Vancouver, B.C., reported 6.58 inches. The official rainfall for Vancouver USA was 2.56 inches, .85 of an inch below average.

October’s rainfall was above average for some and below average for others due to the showery nature after frontal passages. Bob Starr in Cougar measured 12.03 inches, which was above his average of 11.36 inches. The first week or so this month made up for October’s lackluster performance, but November appears to run out of energy. We have rain on tap this weekend and maybe later next week sometime, but no soakers heading our way at this time.

After the rain this weekend, we’ll see skies clear late Sunday and we should enjoy mostly sunny skies Monday and Tuesday. Clouds increase Wednesday and perhaps we will have another shot of rain on Thanksgiving. Details are up in the air with the timing and rainfall amounts. Temperatures will be seasonal throughout the week.

If traveling over the weekend, snow levels lower below the passes late Saturday into Sunday. Nothing major but light amounts could be on the highways. Traveling next week for the long holiday weekend will be uneventful and smooth sailing.

Early next week would be an ideal opportunity to place outdoor holiday decorations in the dry weather. It will be cool in the early morning hours with some frost in colder locations. Maybe some fog as well. The month is zipping along and the slowdown in the weather department is appreciated. It looks like a no go for the ski season to begin Thanksgiving weekend.

Take good care and we’ll take a fresh look at that Thanksgiving forecast in Tuesday’s column.

Columbian freelance columnist