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Hazel Dell & Minnehaha

Clark County Councilor Michelle Belkot to host town hall

July 27, 2023, 5:58am Clark County News

Clark County Councilor Michelle Belkot will host a town hall meeting for District 2 residents at 6:30 p.m. today at The Gathering Place church, 2500 N.E. 78th St., in Vancouver. Read story

Proposed Minnehaha Neighborhood Park subject of open house

July 27, 2023, 5:56am Clark County News

Clark County Public Works’ Parks and Lands division will host an open house about the future Minnehaha Neighborhood Park from 6-8 p.m. Aug. 9 in the cafeteria/commons of Minnehaha Elementary School, 2800 N.E. 54th St. Read story

Jermaine Boddie surveys the sandbox of his dreams -- which he's created in his West Hazel Dell front yard -- on a recent afternoon. "My yard is basically an expression of my childhood.

Hazel Dell homeowner shows his creativity in fantasy yard display

Jermaine Boddie surveys the sandbox of his dreams -- which he's created in his West Hazel Dell front yard -- on a recent afternoon. "My yard is basically an expression of my childhood.

July 13, 2023, 7:55am Clark County Life

Jermaine Boddie hopes his fun front yard sparks a little old-school, hands-on, imaginative play that owes nothing to electronics or screens. Read story

Bonneville Power Administration's Steven Laslo, right, talks about the building's "fishbowl," an insider term describing a glass-enclosed testing area packed with equipment. BPA commemorated its new Technical Services Building at its Ross Complex in Vancouver.

Bonneville Power Administration’s Ross Complex celebrates new addition

Bonneville Power Administration's Steven Laslo, right, talks about the building's "fishbowl," an insider term describing a glass-enclosed testing area packed with equipment. BPA commemorated its new Technical Services Building at its Ross Complex in Vancouver.

July 12, 2023, 6:32pm Business

The Bonneville Power Administration commemorated the opening of its new Technical Services Building, the first complete project outlined in its vision for the Ross Complex’s future. Read story

Everybody Has a Story: Samuel wrangles a reunion

July 1, 2023, 6:00am Clark County Life

Mindy was a good natured, fluffy, white dog with gray spots, and the Fourth of July was a terrible time for her. She went nuts at the sound of fireworks. At the first crackle or boom she would whimper, then try to scratch her way out of the house or… Read story


Deputies chase two people in vehicle connected to Minnehaha murder-suicide


June 29, 2023, 11:09am Clark County News

Two people evaded Clark County sheriff’s deputies Wednesday night after running from a vehicle investigators say is connected to a Monday murder-suicide. Read story

Co-owner Corey Wehler gives Bentley, a dachshund, a haircut at Dog Gone Clean in Vancouver. The business suffered a fire in 2019, but was among those businesses that survived. It moved back into its rebuilt space in 2021.

Some Clark County businesses recover after a fire, but all learn lessons from experience

Co-owner Corey Wehler gives Bentley, a dachshund, a haircut at Dog Gone Clean in Vancouver. The business suffered a fire in 2019, but was among those businesses that survived. It moved back into its rebuilt space in 2021.

June 20, 2023, 6:05am Business

The Holly Park Shopping Center was home to about a dozen businesses. Then one Saturday in January 2019, a three-alarm fire took it out, closing the businesses there for years. Some never returned. Read story

Columbia River High School history teacher David Douglas talks to students in 2022. Douglas will join other educators this summer in Saipan to study the impact World War II had on the island and its people.

Columbia River High School history teacher to travel to Saipan

Columbia River High School history teacher David Douglas talks to students in 2022. Douglas will join other educators this summer in Saipan to study the impact World War II had on the island and its people.

June 13, 2023, 6:07am Clark County News

Just as some students wait anxiously to be let loose for their summer travel plans, many teachers are doing the same. Read story


6-year-old boy allegedly abducted in Clark County by mother recovered in Oregon


June 6, 2023, 11:18am Clark County News

A woman was arrested early Tuesday morning in Eastern Oregon after allegedly taking her 6-year-old son from his father’s Minnehaha area home. Read story

A shattered front door of a Hazel Dell car dealership after Clark County sheriff's deputies say a Vancouver man broke in and stole keys. The suspect was arrested on suspicion of second-degree burglary.

Vancouver man arrested after allegedly breaking into dealership, stealing keys, says sheriff

A shattered front door of a Hazel Dell car dealership after Clark County sheriff's deputies say a Vancouver man broke in and stole keys. The suspect was arrested on suspicion of second-degree burglary.

June 5, 2023, 11:08am Clark County News

Clark County sheriff’s deputies arrested a Vancouver man Saturday night after he allegedly broke into a car dealership in Hazel Dell and stole multiple sets of keys. Read story