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Photo of Andy Matarrese

Stories by Andy Matarrese

Columbian environment and transportation reporter

People browse the aisles at a fireworks stand benefiting the Brush Prairie Baptist Church Revolution Student Center at NE 63rd Street and NE Andresen Road on Sunday July 1, 2012.

New Year’s Eve fireworks rules in Clark County differ depending on area

People browse the aisles at a fireworks stand benefiting the Brush Prairie Baptist Church Revolution Student Center at NE 63rd Street and NE Andresen Road on Sunday July 1, 2012.

December 29, 2018, 6:57pm Clark County News

The Earth will have once again orbited the sun by midnight Monday, and county residents wishing to mark the occasion with fireworks can avoid an unpleasant exchange with a fire marshal, or a steep ticket, with a refresher on local fireworks regulations. Read story


Statewide 911 malfunctions reach Clark County


December 27, 2018, 9:24pm Clark County News

Statewide phone network outages are also causing problems at Clark County's 911 service, Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency warned Thursday night, and the agency said callers with emergencies should instead dial 360-693-3111. Read story

No injuries after driver strikes trooper’s SUV on I-205

December 27, 2018, 7:40pm Clark County News

A driver struck a Washington state trooper’s SUV Thursday morning after the trooper had pulled over behind a disabled vehicle on Interstate 205, according to the Washington State Patrol. Read story

Smoke from mattress fire fills apartment

December 13, 2018, 9:18pm Clark County News

The Red Cross responded to help a family of six after a mattress in their apartment caught fire Thursday afternoon, filling the residence with smoke. Read story

Vancouver businesses targeted in nationwide bomb threat hoax

December 13, 2018, 1:22pm Clark County News

Businesses and schools across the U.S. were evacuated because of a bomb threat hoax Thursday, according to law enforcement, and the hoax threats also targeted businesses in Vancouver. Read story

Power outages reported across county; 1,500 in Vancouver without power

December 11, 2018, 9:20pm Clark County News

Nearly 2,000 customers lost power around Clark County Tuesday night, with the majority of the outages around the Burnt Bridge Creek area in central Vancouver. Read story

A Clark County Sheriff's investigator enters a business at the Pacific 63 Center while investigating a fatal shooting in Hazel Dell on Monday afternoon, Dec. 10, 2018.

Man, 18, fatally shot at Hazel Dell strip mall ID’d

A Clark County Sheriff's investigator enters a business at the Pacific 63 Center while investigating a fatal shooting in Hazel Dell on Monday afternoon, Dec. 10, 2018.

December 11, 2018, 11:52am Clark County News

The 18-year-old man fatally shot Monday afternoon in a Hazel Dell parking lot has been identified as Gage Allan Kiser of Vancouver, according to the Clark County Sheriff’s Office. Read story

Spectators watch the investigation of a fatal shooting from the top floor of East West Martial Arts at the Pacific 63 Center in Hazel Dell on Monday afternoon, Dec. 10, 2018.

Police: One person fatally shot in Hazel Dell parking lot

Spectators watch the investigation of a fatal shooting from the top floor of East West Martial Arts at the Pacific 63 Center in Hazel Dell on Monday afternoon, Dec. 10, 2018.

December 10, 2018, 2:54pm Clark County News

Clark County sheriff’s deputies are searching for a suspect in a fatal shooting Monday afternoon that occurred in the parking lot of a Hazel Dell strip mall. Read story

Traffic heads north (left) and south (right) in Portland on Interstate 5 in April 2015. Oregon has moved closer to passing a transportation package that could bring rush-hour tolls to I-5 and I-205.

Oregon transportation board submits I-5, I-205 tolling plan application to feds

Traffic heads north (left) and south (right) in Portland on Interstate 5 in April 2015. Oregon has moved closer to passing a transportation package that could bring rush-hour tolls to I-5 and I-205.

December 6, 2018, 2:44pm Clark County News

The Oregon Transportation Commission voted Thursday to approve the state’s application to the federal government to consider tolling on portions of Interstate 5 and Interstate 205 in Portland. Read story

Hockinson High student accused of threatening to attack school appears in juvenile court

December 5, 2018, 8:32pm Clark County News

A 14-year-old Hockinson High School student arrested Monday after allegedly threatening to attack the school told police he did it to get attention. Read story